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Photo of Professor Susan Banducci

Professor Susan Banducci

Ph.D. (University of California, Santa Barbara)

Professor and Director of the Exeter Q-Step Centre, Director of Research


01392 723165

Clayden 1.02


My research interests are in the areas of comparative political behaviour, media and political communication. I am PI of TWICEASGOOD - an ERC Advanced Grant (2022-2027, €2.5m) that examines women candidates’ experience of sexism on the campaign trail. The draws on a new module of the European Social Survey Round 11 - Gender in Contemporary Europe.

I am a Fellow of the British Academy (2022) and the Academy of Social Sciences (2020). 

My full CV can be found here.

My current projects include:

  • Principal Investigator. TWICEASGOOD “Twice as Hard, Half as Good? Women Candidates’ Experience of Sexism on the Campaign Trail.” ERC Adv Grant 2022-2027. 
  • Exeter Lead , Infra4NextGen. Providing research infrastructure services to support Next Generation EU. Horizon Europe. 2024 – 2028.  
  • Exeter lead. "OPTED - Observatory for Political Texts in European Democracies - A European Research Infrastructure ". Vienna lead partner – PI Hajo Boomgarden. H2020. 2018-2021. 
  • Exeter lead. "PRECEDE - Populism’s Roots: Economic and Cultural Explanations in Democracies of Europe". Muenster lead partner. Volkswagen Foundation. 2020-2023. 

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In general, my research focuses on inequalities in political participation, bringing together individual and institutional explanations for inequalities into multi-level analyses using large-scale cross-national surveys that. These inequalities in political engagement and participation include differences between men and women, minorities and non-minorities as well as how events over the lifecycle can contribute to inequalities. One question that motivates this research, and has significant policy implications, is which electoral rules, political institutions or policies are best at reducing political inequalities. In particular, a number of findings in my research suggest that electoral reforms meant to make participation more meaningful are better at reducing inequalities in diverse societies while reforms aimed at making participation less costly exacerbate these inequalities. Another motivating question is how the news media contribute to or ameliorate inequalities in turnout and political engagement. This latter question has motivated my most recent research. 

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I supervises students in the area of elections, media and political communication including the uses of social media and new forms of data. Current students are working on elections and representation, gender and online sexism.

Research students

Current Students:

Bella Longdon

Julia van Zijl

Aditi Dutta 

Past Students:

Kiran Arabaghatta Basavaraj - UCL

Greg Stride - LGIA

Laszlo Horvath - Birkbeck, University of London

Raluca Popp - University of Kent

Rebecca Tidy - The Impact of Internet Tools upon Volunteer Mobilisation and Party Membership

Siim Trumm, SL at Nottingham, - Roll Call Votes in the European Parliament 

Kathrin Thomas, City University London,  - Institutions and Policy Responsiveness

Maarja Luhiste, Lecturer at Newcastle - - Gender, Media and Electoral Success

Marc Herzog - Turkey, Muslim Parties and Development (completed 2011)

Sinem Ayangolu - Media Effects in Developing Democracies

Hannah Bunting, Exeter

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Copyright Notice: Any articles made available for download are for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the copyright holder.

| 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1994 |







  • Stevens D, Banducci S, Horvath L, Krouwel A. (2019) The "coarsening" of campaigns, UK Election Analysis 2019: Media, Voters, Campaign, The Centre for Comparative Politics and Media Research, Bournemouth University, 15-15.
  • Cioroianu I, Banducci S, Szlavik Z. (2019) Extracting Topic-Specific Ideological Positions from News Articles.
  • Weaver IS, Williams H, Cioroianu I, Jasney L, Coan T, Banducci S. (2019) Communities of online news exposure during the UK General Election 2015, Online Social Networks and Media, volume 10-11, pages 18-30, DOI:10.1016/j.osnem.2019.05.001.


  • Banducci S, Jasny L, Cioroianu I, Coan TG, Stevens DP, Weaver IS, Williams H. (2018) To Polarize or Not: Comparing Networks of News Consumption, CeDEM Asia 2018: Conference for E-Democracy and Open Government, Yokohama, Japan, 12th - 13th Jul 2018.
  • Weaver IS, Williams HTP, Cioroianu I, Williams M, Coan TG, Banducci SA. (2018) Dynamic social media affiliations amongst UK politicians, Social Networks, volume 54, pages 132-144, DOI:10.1016/j.socnet.2018.01.008.









  • Banducci SA, de Vreese CH, Semetko HA, Boomgarden H, Luhiste M. (2009) EES Longitudinal Media Study Data Advance Release Documentation. [PDF]
  • EES 2009. (2009) European Parliament Election Study 2009: Media Study. [PDF]
  • Banducci SA, Gidengil E, Everitt J. (2009) Do Voters Stereotype Female Party Leaders? Evidence from Canada and New Zealand, Opening Doors Wider: Women's Political Engagement in Canada, Univ of British Columbia Pr, 170-190.
  • Vreese CD, Boomgarden H, Banducci S, Semetko H. (2009) Light at the End of the Tunnel: Towards a European Public Sphere?, The Legitimacy of the European Union After Enlargement, Oxford University Press, USA.
  • Banducci SA, Gidengil E. (2009) Gender and Perceptions of Leader Traits: Evidence from the 1993 Canadian and 1999 New Zealand Elections, Women and Political Leadership in Canada, UBC Press.
  • Banducci SA, Karp JA. (2009) Electoral Systems, Efficacy, and Voter Turnout, The Comparative Study of Electoral Systems, Oxford University Press, 109-136. [PDF]





  • Banducci SA, Donovan T, Karp JA. (2005) Effects of Minority Representation on Political Attitudes and Participation, Diversity in Democracy: Minority Representation in the United States, University of Virginia Press, 196-215.


  • Banducci SA, Karp J. (2004) Political Parties and Mobilisation, Voters’ Veto. The 2002 Election in New Zealand and the Consolidation of Minority Government, Auckland University Press, 104-116.
  • Vowles J, Aimer P, Karp J, Banducci S, Miller R. (2004) Voters" Veto: The 2002 Election in New Zealand and the Consolidation of Minority Government, Auckland University Press.
  • Banducci SA, Karp J. (2004) The 2002 Election in Comparative Context, Voters’ Veto. The 2002 Election in New Zealand and the Consolidation of Minority Government, Auckland University Press, 150-166.



  • Banducci SA, Donovan T, Karp JA. (2002) Minority Representation, Empowerment, and Participation, The Journal of Politics, volume 66, no. 2, pages 534-556, DOI:10.1111/j.1468-2508.2004.00163.x. [PDF]
  • Banducci SA, Vowles J. (2002) Elections, Citizens and the Media, Proportional Representation on Trial: The 1999 New Zealand General Election and the Fate of MMP, Auckland University Press.
  • Karp JA, Vowles J, Banducci SA, Donovan T. (2002) Strategic voting, party activity, and candidate effects: testing explanations for split voting in New Zealand's new mixed system, Electoral Studies, volume 21, no. 1, pages 1-22, DOI:10.1016/S0261-3794(00)00031-7.
  • Karp JA, Banducci SA. (2002) Issues and party competition under alternative electoral systems, Party politics, volume 8, no. 1, pages 123-141.
  • Banducci SA. (2002) Gender and Leadership, Proportional Representation on Trial: The 1999 New Zealand General Election and the Fate of MMP, Auckland University Press.
  • Vowles J, Aimer P, Karp J, Banducci S, Miller R, Sullivan A. (2002) Proportional Representation on Trial: The 1999 Election in New Zealand and the Fate of MMP, Auckland University Press.



  • Banducci SA, Karp JA. (2000) Gender, Leadership and Choice in Multiparty Systems, Political Research Quarterly, volume 53, no. 4, pages 815-815, DOI:10.2307/449262. [PDF]
  • Banducci SA, Karp JA. (2000) Gender, leadership and choice in multiparty systems, Political Research Quarterly, volume 53, no. 4, pages 815-848.
  • Karp JA, Banducci SA. (2000) Going Postal: How All Mail Elections Influence Turnout, Political Behavior, volume 22, no. 3, pages 223-239. [PDF]


  • Karp JA, Banducci SA. (1999) The impact of proportional representation on turnout: Evidence from New Zealand, Australian Journal of Political Science, volume 34, no. 3, pages 363-377, DOI:10.1080/10361149950281.
  • Banducci SA, Karp JA. (1999) Perceptions of fairness and support for proportional representation, Political Behavior, volume 21, no. 3, pages 217-238.
  • Banducci SA, Donovan T, Karp JA. (1999) Proportional representation and attitudes about politics: results from New Zealand, Electoral Studies, volume 18, no. 4, pages 533-555.


  • Banducci S, Donovan T, Karp J. (1998) Citizen's attitudes about democracy after electoral reforms. Institutional change in New Zealand, LEGISLATIVE STUDIES QUARTERLY, volume 23, no. 1, pages 153-154. [PDF]



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External impact and engagement

Co-producing knowledge on Political Leadership incubators with support from Policy@Exeter  (with PI  D. Barrett in Law) for “Campaign Funding for All” project. We produced advice documents on campaign finance and standing as a political candidate with Elect Her. I also serve as a member of the Women Count (Centenary Action Group) Steering Group. 

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Modules taught

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    I have close to 20 years working on international, collaborative projects from the New Zealand Election Study, the European Election Study and 2 early career researcher training networks. My recent research has been supported by the ESRC and I hold and have held funding from the ESRC for three projects. Most recently, I am a co-PI in a project examining the role of the media in the 2015 British Election and I am PI on a European Industrial Doctoral Training partnership funded by the European Commission. For the latter project we have recruited 3 researchers to undertake projects examining the effects of online vote advice tools, the use of voluntary samples for social science analysis and physiological responses to online information.

    I was a founding member, 2008, of the Centre for Elections, Media and Parties - CEMaP (now Media, Elections and Participation). In the six years since the founding of the centre, the staff of the centre have earned over £5million in research and consultancy funding that has led to seven funded PhDs students and 5 post-doctoral researchers. I have been principal investigator and a co-investigator on a number of these projects. My overall objective has been to strengthen the capacity for the use of and training in advanced social science methods, strengthen approaches to the comparative study of elections that draw on methodological strengths in the UK such as multi-level modelling, cross-national surveys (e.g. European Social Survey) and media analysis.

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