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Photo of Professor Greta Bosch

Professor Greta Bosch

Professor, Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (PFHEA), National Teaching Fellow (NTF)


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Prof Greta Bosch has been at Exeter University since 2002. Greta is the Director of International Programmes. Greta is also an Aspire Mentor.

Greta's research interests lie in International Human Rights Law, specifically Equality, non-discrimination and affirmative action. She has published on human rights and racial equality with special reference to South Africa, as well as interdisciplinary approaches to legal education. Most recently Greta and her team were awarded a competitive grant from the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) to look at what causes disparate attainment for ethnic groups in legal professional assessments. This research should help to increase understanding about the factors that are driving this picture and to identify steps that could be taken to make a difference and help to close the attainment gap. It will be an extensive programme that will take until the end of 2023 to complete.

Greta is module convenor on the interdisciplinary module Law3169 Equality and Diversity at Work, Law2095 Equality and Diversity and teaches on Law2103 EU Law.

In 2018 Greta received the National Teaching Fellowship Award, one of the most prestigious national awards for higher education teaching, for individuals who have made an outstanding impact on student outcomes and the teaching profession.

And in 2019 Greta was awarded a Principal Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy for her sustained record of impact at a strategic level in relation to teaching and learning, and her wider commitment to acadmic practice.

External Positions, Appointments and Awards

Editor-in-chief of the European Journal of Legal Education (EJLE):

Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (PFHEA)

National Teaching Fellow (NTF)

Executive Board Member of the Society of Legal Scholars (SLS) 2018-2021

Member of the Education Committee of the Society of Legal Scholars (SLS) 2015-2021

Co-convenor of the Comparative Law Section of the Society of Legal Scholars (SLS) 2015-2021

Member of the British Association of Comparative Lawyers (BACL) 2015- present

Member of the Berkeley Comparative Equality & Anti-Discrimination Law Group 2018- present

Member of Soroptimists International, 2022- present

Remote referee for the European Research Council (ERC) 2016-2019

External Examiner for Southampton Law School 2017- 2022

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Greta's research efforts have focused on racial equality and diversity with special reference to South Africa. More recently Greta has begun to research interdisciplinary legal education, specifically in the area of equality and diversity. She was invited to present her research and innovation at an institution wide Academic Practice session, and she has started to create an interdisciplinary network of academics. Greta has also presented her research on interdisciplinarity at the Berkeley Comparative Equality and Anti-Discrimination Annual conference at Melbourne Law School in Australia in June 2018.

In 2021 Greta and her interdisciplinary research team were awarded a competitive grant from the Solicitors Regulation Authority to look at what causes different levels of attainment for ethnic groups in professional assessments. This research should help to increase understanding about the factors that are driving this picture and to identify steps that could be taken to make a difference and help to close the attainment gap.  It will be an extensive programme that take until the end of 2023 to complete.

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Copyright Notice: Any articles made available for download are for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the copyright holder.

| 2024 | 2023 | 2020 | 2009 | 2007 | 2003 | 2001 | 2000 |


  • Bosch G, Sealy R, Alexandris Polomarkakis K, Makanju D, Helm R. (2024) Quantitative Data Insights Report. Report prepared for the research funded by the Solicitors Regulation Authority on the potential causes of differential outcomes in legal professional assessments, Solicitors Regulation Authority, Solicitors Regulation Authority. [PDF]
  • Bosch G, Sealy R, Alexandris Polomarkakis K, Makanju D, Helm R. (2024) Qualitative Interview Insights Report. Report prepared for the research funded by the Solicitors Regulation Authority on the potential causes of differential outcomes in legal professional assessments, Solicitors Regulation Authority. [PDF]
  • Bosch G, Sealy R, Alexandris Polomarkakis K, Makanju D, Helm R. (2024) Final report for Solicitors Regulation Authority on the potential causes of differential outcomes in legal professional assessments, Solicitors Regulation Authority, Solicitors Regulation Authority. [PDF]


  • Bosch G, Sealy R, Alexandris Polomarkakis K, Makanju D, Helm R. (2023) The ethnicity attainment gap in legal professional assessments: A systematic literature review and next steps. Interim report for a project commissioned by the Solicitors Regulation Authority, Solicitors Regulation Authority, Solicitors Regulation Authority. [PDF]


  • Bosch G. (2020) Deconstructing Myths about Interdisciplinarity: is now the time to rethink interdisciplinarity in legal education?, European Journal of Legal Education.


  • Bosch GS. (2009) The “internationalisation” of law degrees and enhancement of graduate employability: European dual qualification degrees in law, Law Teacher, volume 43, no. 3, pages 284-296, DOI:10.1080/03069400903332504.
  • Bosch G. (2009) Some Measures to Achieve Racial Equality in South Africa 1996-2000.
  • Bosch GS. (2009) A German Law perspective on the European Dual Qualification Degrees in the light of Bologna, Legal education: extending legal boundaries; Association of Law Teachers, 44th annual conference, Amsterdam, 4th - 7th Apr 2009.
  • Bosch GS. (2009) Culture, methodologies and language: A German Law perspective on the European Dual Qualification Degrees, The Third Legal Education Symposium, Ucd Dublin, 13th - 13th Mar 2009.


  • Bosch GS. (2007) Restitution or Discrimination? Lessons on Affirmative Action from South African Employment Law.


  • Bosch GS, Wadham J. (2003) Deaths in Custody: Redress and Remedies, Liberty / The Civil Liberties Trust, 78 pages.



  • Bosch GS. (2000) Non-discrimination in South Africa under the new Constitution, Public Law, volume 2000(2) summer, no. 2000(2) summer.

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External impact and engagement

Prof Bosch has been facilitating internationalisation. An international student and staff approach to education enhances diversification and widening participation, academic and skills creativity through the injection of new ideas and new ways of thinking and the enrichment of experiences. Prof Bosch has led on the international transfer collaboration agreement of Exeter Law School with Brickfields Asia College in Malaysia (BAC), which is operational since 2018. She is a member of the BAC consortium body. Prof Bosch was an external examiner for Southampton University Law School.

Prof Bosch is the Principal Investigator on an externally funded two-year research project exploring the underlying causes of disparate performance for ethnic groups in legal professional assessments (2021- 2023). Prof Bosch works closely with the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) and an External Reference Group of stakeholders. She takes an interdisciplinary, multi-level and mixed method approach to analysing underlying causes and lived experiences with the aim of informing decision-making, stimulating thinking and inspiring change. The publication of the first report was in June 2023.

The research should help to increase understanding about the factors that are driving this picture and to identify steps that could be taken to make a difference and help to close the attainment gap. The funded project was running for two years until 31 October 2023, with publication expected early 2024.

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Modules taught

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More information

National Teaching Fellowship 2018 (Advance HE) Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Authority 2019, PhD, Birmingham College Director of Assessment, 2017- 2020, Senior Academic Misconduct Officer, 2017- 2020, Director of Education, Law 2014-2017,  Deputy Director of Education Law 2013-2014 Senior Personal Tutor for CSSIS 2010- 2014, Programme Director, LLB European (Magister), 2002- 2017, Director of Admissions, 2012-2014, Director of International Programmes 2021 - present

Editor-in-Chief of the European Journal of Legal Education 2018- present

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