Dr Catherine Caine
Senior Lecturer
01392 723370
Amory B222
Catherine Caine is a Senior Lecturer in Law at the University of Exeter with research interests in environmental law, planning law, and energy law. Catherine’s research projects include an analysis of whether the European legal requirements of habitat protection have been integrated and coordinated into the planning and construction processes for offshore renewable energy, a comprehensive review of the extent to which the courts in the UK consider scientific evidence in Habitats Directive decisions, and an analysis of the regulation of heat networks in the UK. Catherine has also recently been the PI of an interdisciplinary research group analysing the way in which taxation and labelling on unhealthy and unsustainable food would change consumer behaviour in the UK.
Prior to joining the University of Exeter, Catherine has taught law at Newcastle University. Her teaching experience at both undergraduate and postgraduate level includes: Legal Foundations, Tort Law, Environmental Law, Energy Law, Planning Law, and the Law of Environmental Impact Assessment.
My main research interests are environmental and planning law. Within this field, I have conducted empirical data collection in order to analyse whether the European legal requirements of habitat protection have been integrated and coordinated into the planning and construction processes for offshore renewable energy. This research has sought to determine whether any changes are required in either law or policy to ensure that habitat protection is achieved. In addition to this, I am also interested in pedagogical methods, having recently researched the way in which student law reviews have been introduced in the UK and their pedagogical benefits.
Research group links
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| 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2013 | 2012 |
- Caine CA. (2024) Regulating Heat Networks: An Appraisal of the Energy Act 2023, Journal of Environmental Law, DOI:10.1093/jel/eqae010. [PDF]
- Caine C. (2023) Brexit and environmental law in England: where are we now?, Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law.
- Caine C. (2023) The Energy Prices Act 2022: A barrier to net zero?, Environmental Law Review, volume 25(1), pages 51-58.
- Caine C, Broadbent R. (2023) The Scrutiny of Scientific Evidence by UK Courts in Environmental Decisions: Legality, the Fact-Law Distinction, and (sometimes) Self-Limiting Review, EU Environmental Principles and Scientific Uncertainty before National Courts, Bloomsbury.
- Chu M, Anders S, Deng Q, Contador CA, Cisternas F, Caine C, Zhu Y, Yang S, Hu B, Liu Z. (2023) The future of sustainable food consumption in China, Food and Energy Security, volume 12, no. 2, DOI:10.1002/fes3.405.
- Law C, Berger N, Faccioli M, Caine C, Bateman I, Smith R. (2022) Improving nutrition through carbon reduction policies: an online randomized experiment, European Journal of Public Health, volume 32, no. Supplement_3, DOI:10.1093/eurpub/ckac129.415.
- Noussia K, Caine C, Richardson W. (2022) European Regulatory and Insurance Aspects of Carbon Capture and Storage, European Energy and Environmental Law Review, volume 31, no. 6, pages 383-393.
- Faccioli M, Law C, Caine C, Berger N, Yan X, Weninger F, Guell C, Day B, Smith R, Bateman I. (2022) Combined carbon and health taxes outperform single-purpose information or fiscal measures in designing sustainable food policies, Nature Food, volume 3, pages 331-340, DOI:10.1038/s43016-022-00482-2.
- Bouvery L. (2021) Lex Petrolea, Arbitration and other Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms in oil and gas investment contracts: a critical analysis.
- Caine CA. (2020) Applying for development consent during lockdown: The Sizewell C Nuclear Power Station, Environmental Law Review, volume 22, no. 2, pages 81-84, DOI:10.1177/1461452920939668. [PDF]
- Caine CA. (2020) The Race to the Water for Offshore Renewable Energy: Assessing Cumulative and In-Combination Impacts for Offshore Renewable Energy Developments, Journal of Environmental Law, volume 32(1), pages 83-109, DOI:10.1093/jel/eqz031.
- Kila K. (2019) Climate Change and Corporations: Regulating Corporate Participation in Climate Change Mitigation in Nigeria.
- Broadbent R, Caine CA. (2018) A fresh start for screening under the Habitats Regulations: Case c-323/17 People Over Wind, Peter Sweetman v Coillte Teoranta [2018] Ecr I-244, Environmental Law Review, volume 20, no. 3, pages 163-170, DOI:10.1177/1461452918792347.
- Caine CA. (2018) The place of the Rochdale envelope approach in offshore renewable energy, Environmental Law Review, volume 20 (2), pages 74-88, DOI:10.1177/1461452918777835.
- Caine CA. (2017) Dieselgate” and Consumer Law: Repercussions of the Volkswagen scandal in the United Kingdom, Journal of European Consumer and Market Law, volume 6 (2), pages 85-87.
- Murray CRG, Pitsillidou L, Caine C. (2016) Student-led law reviews: what every UK law school needs?, The Law Teacher, volume 51, no. 2, pages 170-187, DOI:10.1080/03069400.2016.1147309. [PDF]
- Caine C. (2015) Windfarms and whimbrel: An interpretation of the wild birds directive, Environmental Law Review, volume 17, no. 3, pages 207-213, DOI:10.1177/1461452915589712. [PDF]
- Ginige T, Ball F, Butters J, Caine C, Julius S, Pearce D. (2013) Harnessing marine renewable energy from Poole Harbour: a case study, International Journal of Liability and Scientific Enquiry, volume 6, no. 1/2/3, pages 1-1, DOI:10.1504/ijlse.2013.057733. [PDF]
- Ginige T, Ball F, Thornton A, Caine C. (2012) Nuclear power: ecologically sustainable or energy hot potato? A case study, International Journal of Liability and Scientific Enquiry, volume 5, no. 3/4, pages 181-181, DOI:10.1504/ijlse.2012.051926. [PDF]