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Photo of Dr Alex Prichard

Dr Alex Prichard

PhD (Loughborough University)

Associate Professor of International Political Theory

Amory B217


Dr Prichard is on research leave throughout the 2023-2024 academic year, funded by an Independent Social Research Foundation Mid-Career Fellowship.  ********** Dr Prichard is Associate Professor of International Political Theory. He is a leading authority on anarchist political thought and history, with particular interest in how anarchists theorise war, peace and global order. 
 For an even shorter podcast introduction to his already very short introduction to anarchism, see the Oxford University Press series on Soudcloud here. A longer discussion with Morteza Hajizadeh at the New Books Network is available here.  Working with Professor Ruth Kinna (Loughborough), and funded by the ESRC and the ISRF, Dr Prichard has uncovered how anarchists constitutionalise. Long considered an oxymoron, Prichard and Kinna show that anarchists constitutionalise routinely, grounding their constitutional experiments on a principle of anarchy. This research has appreared in a number of leading journals, edited collections, and books. Dr Prichard also has a deep interest in the historical intersections between various anarchisms and marxisms over the past one hundred years, and this research coordination has resulted in three edited collections. Dr Prichard was the Director of Postgraduate Research for the College of Social Sciences and International Studies (2021-2022), and Director of Education for the Department of Politics between 2018-2020. He has been a UCU rep and caseworker since 2018, and was Predident of the University of Exeter UCU Branch between 2022-2023.  In 2005 Dr Prichard co-founded the PSA Anarchist Studies Network, and the Manchester University Press monograph series, Contemporary Anarchist Studies in 2012. Dr Prichard has been an Associate Editor of Anarchist Studies since 2010. Dr Prichard's publications are available at Research Gate. For an archive of Dr Prichard's research on anarchist constitutionalising, head to the Anarchy Rules website. Michael Albert recently interviewd Dr Prichard on his work for his RevolutionZ podcasts, available here. And he and Professor Kinna explain anarchist constitutionalising here. An older interview on the theory and practice of anarchism, with Professor Saul Newman, on Australia's ABC Radio, can be found here

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Dr Prichard is a member of the Centre of Advanced International Studies and the Centre for Political Thought at the University of Exeter. His research sits within and spans both centres. He has published in the following areas: 
  • Anarchist political thought
  • International political theory
  • The ethics and phenomenology of war and violence
  • Republican political theory
  • Constitutional politics
  • Co-production methods in political philosophy

Research group links

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I would be happy to supervise graduate and doctoral research in the following areas:

  • Classical and contemporary International Political Theory
  • Mainstream and critical International Relations theory
  • Anarchist theory and practice
  • The history of socialism
  • Normative approaches to International Relations
  • Global constitutionalism
  • The history and historiography of International Relations
  • Global ethics, the ethics of war and of violence

Research students

Current PhD supervision

  • Melis Kirtilli 'The Political Economy of Decentralised Anarchist Federalism' (with Prof. Rob Lamb), ESRC +3.
  • Maria Della Porta Rodiani 'Anarchism, Cultural resistance and the Prefiguration of Alternatives in Palestine' (with Prof. Ilan Pape, IAIS, Exeter), Al Qasimi Fellowship
  • Chris Beaumont 'Anarchist Agency in International Relations' (with Professor Jonathan Joseph, Bristol), ESRC 1+3.
  • George Rowland, UWE, 'Plannng and Off Grid Rural Developments'. (with Dr Katie McClymont, geography and Environmental Management, UWE), ESRC 1+3.
  • Andrew Pate, 'UN responses in a fractured world', with Dr Lise Herman
  • Jonas Rusche, Otto von Guericke University, Magdeburg, with Professor Alexander Spencer

Completed PhD supervision

  • Andreas Karoutas ‘The insurgent minority and democratic thought' (with Dr Andy Schaap, Politics Penryn)
  • Biao Zhang, 'Reaon in International Relations: An Historical Image of the Discipline' (with Prof. Iain Hampsher Monk). Dr Zhang now teaches a CUPL, Beijing.
  • Tatevik Mnatsakanyan, ‘Silencing and Binding Effects in Foreign Policy Discourse’ (with Prof. John Heathershaw). Dr Mnatsakanyan now teaches at Loughborough University, London. 

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Copyright Notice: Any articles made available for download are for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the copyright holder.

| 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2002 |


  • Prichard A. (2022) Introduction, War and Peace On the Principle and Constitution of the Rights of Peoples, AK Press, 1-42.
  • Prichard A. (2022) Anarchism. A Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press. [PDF]
  • Proudhon P-J, Prichard A. (2022) War and Peace: On the Principle and Constitution of the Rights of Peoples, AK Press. [PDF]
  • Kinna R, Prichard A, Swann T, Seeds for Change. (2022) Anarchic Agreements: A field guide to collective organising, PM Press. [PDF]
  • Prichard A. (2022) Proudhon's Mutualist Social Science, The Cambridge History of Socialism, Cambridge University Press. [PDF]






  • Prichard A, Havercroft J. (2017) Anarchy and International Relations Theory, Journal of International Political Theory, volume 13, no. 3, pages 252-394. [PDF]
  • Havercroft J, Prichard A. (2017) Anarchy and IR Theory: A Reconsideration, Journal of International Political Theory, volume 13/3, pages 252-265, DOI:10.1177/1755088217719911.
  • Abufom Silva P, Prichard A. (2017) Anarchism and Nineteenth Century Philosophy, Brill’s Companion to Anarchism and Philosophy, Brill, 549-566.
  • Prichard A. (2017) Collective intentionality, complex pluralism and the problem of anarchy, Journal of International Political Theory, volume 13(3), pages 360-377, DOI:10.1177/1755088217715789.
  • Prichard A. (2017) The isms are evil! All hail the isms!, International Relations Theory: A Practical Introduction, E-International Relations Publishing.
  • Prichard A, Kinna RE, Pinta S, Berry D. (2017) Libertarian Socialism: Politics in Black and Red, PM Press.
  • Cerny P, Prichard A. (2017) The new anarchy: globalization and fragmentation in world politics, Journal of International Political Theory, volume 13(3), pages 378-394, DOI:10.1177/1755088217713765. [PDF]


  • Worth O. (2016) Left-Wing Convergence, Capital & Class, volume 40, no. 1.
  • Prichard A, Worth O. (2016) Left-wing convergence: An introduction, Capital & Class, volume 40, no. 1, pages 3-17, DOI:10.1177/0309816815624370. [PDF]
  • Prichard A. (2016) Anarchy, Concepts In World Politics, Sage, 125-141.


  • Prichard A. (2014) Review of Zaheer Kazmi, Polite Anarchy in International Relations (Houndmills, Palgrave, 2012), Anarchist Studies, volume 22(1).


  • Prichard A. (2013) Justice and EU Foreign Policy, Journal of Contemporary European Studies, volume 21, no. 3, pages 413-429, DOI:10.1080/14782804.2013.831604. [PDF]
  • Prichard A. (2013) Justice, Order and Anarchy: The International Political Theory of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, Routledge.


  • Prichard A. (2012) Estudi introductori. Pierre-Joseph Proudhon: Un filosof per al nostre temps, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon: El Principi Federatiu i altres textos, Generalitat de Catalunya/Institut d’Estudis Autonòmics, 7-47.
  • Prichard WA, Kinna R, Pinta S, Berry D. (2012) Libertarian Socialism: Politics in Black and Red, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Prichard A, Kinna R. (2012) Introduction, Libertarian Socialism: Politics in Black and Red, Palgrave, 1-17.
  • Prichard A. (2012) Anarchy, Anarchism and International Relations, The Continuum Companion to Anarchism, Continuum, 96-108.


  • Prichard A. (2011) Review of Mohammed Bamyeh, Anarchy as order: the history and future of civic humanity (Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, 2010), Anarchist Studies, volume 19(2), pages 105-106.
  • Prichard A. (2011) Introduction: Anarchism and World Politics, Millennium: journal of international studies, volume 39/2, no. 2, pages 373-380, DOI:10.1177/0305829810386278.


  • Prichard A. (2010) Forum: Anarchism and World Politics, Millennium: Journal of International Studies, volume 39, no. 2.
  • Prichard A. (2010) Deepening Anarchism: International Relations and the Anarchist Ideal, Anarchist Studies, volume 18, no. 2, pages 29-57.
  • Prichard A. (2010) What can the absence of anarchism tell us about the history and purpose of International Relations?, Review of International Studies, volume 37, no. 4, pages 1647-1669, DOI:10.1017/S0260210510001075.
  • Prichard A. (2010) The Ethical Foundations of Proudhon's Republican Anarchism, Anarchism and Moral Philosophy, Palgrave, 86-112.
  • Prichard A. (2010) David Held is an Anarchist. Discuss, Millennium: journal of international studies, volume 39, no. 2, pages 439-459, DOI:10.1177/0305829810383607.


  • Prichard A, Kinna R. (2009) Anarchism: Past, Present and Utopia, Contemporary Anarchist Studies: An Introductory Anthology of Anarchy in the Academy, Routledge.


  • Prichard A. (2008) Rebel Alliances: The Means and Ends of Contemporary British Anarchisms, POLITICAL STUDIES REVIEW, volume 6, no. 1, pages 71-72. [PDF]
  • Prichard A. (2008) Review of Uri Gordon, Anarchy Alive!: Anarchism and anti-authoritarianism from practice to theory, (London: Pluto Press, 2008), Anarchist Studies, volume 16(1), pages 83-85.



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External impact and engagement

Dr Alex Prichard was an impact case study lead for Department of Politics in REF 2021.

His research on anarchist constitutionalsing has supported the development of new organisations’ constitutions and democratic capacity. The impact of this research has reached across anarchist and radical democratic movements in the UK, to Europe and beyond, changing how a range of third sector organisations, including an independent union, housing and worker cooperatives, civil society organisations and NGOs, organise and constitutionalise. The project website can be found here 

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Modules taught

  • POL1017 - Globalisation of World Politics
  • POL2020 - Contemporary Theories of World Politics
  • POL3124 - Anarchism and World Ordering
  • POLM502 - International Relations: Power and Institutions

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  • PhD, Politics, International Relations and European Studies, Loughborough University (2008)
  • MSc Econ, International Politics (Theory), Aberystwyth University (2003)
  • MA Hons (by research), International Relations, University of Wollongong, N.S.W. (2001)
  • BA Hons, International Relations, Nottingham Trent University (1994)

Academic Employment

  • Associate Professor in International Relations, University of Exeter, 2020-
  • Senior Lecturer in International Relations, Univerity of Exeter, 2015-2020
  • Lecturer in International Relations, University of Exeter, 2012-2015
  • Senior lecturer in International Relations, Coventry University, 2012
  • LSE Fellow in International Political Theory, 2010-2012
  • ESRC Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Bristol, 2009-2010
  • Research Officer, EU FP7 Project, 'Building a Just and Durable Peace by Piece', University of Bath, 2008-2009
  • Teaching Fellow, International Relations, University of Bath, 2007-2008

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