Professor Oles Andriychuk
Prof. Andriychuk specialises in Competition Law & Digital Markets and in the Constitutional / Jurisprudential Aspects of Competition Policy. He is engaged in several research and knowledge exchange projects aiming to understand, conceptualise, inform and steer the ongoing regulatory reforms of competition in the digital economy in the UK, EU and some EU Member States. He also contributes to reforming of competition law and policy of Ukraine
Prof. Andriychuk is an OECD-appointed expert in scrutinising Ukraine's application to join the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
He is the Principal Investigator for the UK in an AHRC & DFG (German Research Foundation) funded 3-year major grant "Shaping Competition in the Digital Age (SCiDA) – Principles, tools and institutions of digital regulation in the UK, Germany and the EU" examining the effectiveness of EU Digital Markets Act, UK Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Act and amended German Competition Act – jointly with Prof. Rupprecht Podszun (the Principal Investigator for the German side) – 03/2024–03/2027
Prof. Andriychuk's research on the theory of competition law and on EU and UK reforms of competition policy in digital markets is widely cited. He is conducting a REF-2029 Impact Case Study with his research and engagement contribution to the process of the development, adoption and implementation of UK Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Act and EU Digital Markets Act
In 2023 he concluded a major collaborative research as a co-investigator of the ROAST-IoT project funded by UK PETRAS National Centre of Excellence (2021–2023), examining the relationship between competition and privacy/data protection laws and policies. He also has experience with managing research projects funded externally by different industries and stakeholders
Prof. Andriychuk has founded and directs the Digital Markets Research Hub – an impactful professional YouTube channel with over 800 subscribers offering on a weekly basis in-depth discussions, webinars, panels and interviews with the leading authorities in the area of competition law and digital markets –
His latest academic articles include:
Oles Andriychuk, 'The new EU and UK regimes for regulating competition in digital markets: we finally see what’s on the plate—but do we know how to eat it?', Journal of Antitrust Enforcement, Vol. 12, No. 2, 2024,
Oles Andriychuk, ‘Digital Competition Law: The Socio-Legal Foundations’, Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies, 2024
Oles Andriychuk, ‘Comparing the incomparable: Analysing UK Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill through the prism of the DMA’, Concurrences, Vol. 21, No. 3, 2023, p. 1–12,
Oles Andriychuk, ‘Between Microeconomics and Geopolitics: On the Reasonable Application of Competition Law’, Modern Law Review, Vol. 85, No. 3, 2022, pp. 598–634,
Oles Andriychuk, ‘Do DMA Obligations for Gatekeepers Create Entitlements for Business Users?’, Journal of Antitrust Enforcement, Vol. 11, No. 1, 2023, pp. 123–132,
Oles Andriychuk, ‘Shifting the Digital Paradigm: Towards a Sui Generis Competition Policy’, Computer Law & Security Review, Vol. 46, 2022,
- Competition law & legal philosophy
- Competition law & digital Markets
- Regulatory approaches to shaping (competition in) digital markets
- EU law
- Media law
- Internet law
- Jurisprudence
External impact and engagement
Prof. Andriychuk coordinates the Digital markets research hub – a YouTube channel hosting on a weekly basis discussions on the functioning of competition in digital markets with the key thinkers and actors representing all stakeholders engaged in the process of regulating competition in digital markets.
Prof. Andriychuk currently acts an External Examiner at the following institutions:
- Edinburgh University, School of Law
- Glasgow University, School of Law
- KCL King's College London, the Dickson Poon School of Law
- UCL University College London, Faculty of Laws
Prof. Andriychuk has the following additional external roles:
- Member of Scientific Board, Market and Competition Law Review
- Member of the Advisory Board for the Institute for Consumer Antitrust Studies, Loyola, Chicago
- Member, Advisory Council, EUI Robert Schuman Centre for a Digital Society, Florence
- Director, Digital Markets Research Hub
- Member, Value of Competition Programme, University of Oxford
- Member, UNCTAD Competition Research Partnership Platform
- Member, NOUS Network for Constitutional Economics and Social Philosophy
- Member, ASCOLA Academic Society for Competition Law
- Member, CLaSF Competition Law Scholars Forum
Peer reviewer for research councils:
- ESRC Research Grant scheme
- Leverhulme Major Research Fellowship Scheme
- Chevening Scholarship
Peer reviewer for publishers (book proposals):
- Sweet & Maxwell
- Hart/Bloomsbury Publishing, Oxford
- Routledge | Taylor & Francis Group
- Edward Elgar Publishing
Peer reviewer for academic journals:
- Oxford Journal of Legal Studies (Oxford University Press)
- Modern Law Review (Wiley)
- Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies (Cambridge University Press)
- Journal of Competition Law & Economics (Oxford University Press)
- Antitrust Bulletin (Sage Journals)
- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement (Oxford University Press)
- EuCML – Journal of European Consumer & Market Law (Kluwer)
- Legal Studies, The Journal of the Society of Legal Scholars (Cambridge University Press)
- European Law Open (Cambridge University Press)
- Internet Policy Review – Journal on Internet Regulation
- Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies (YARS)
- Competition Law Review (CLASF)
- Computer Law & Security Review (Elsevier)
- Concorrenza e Mercato (Giuffrè Francis Lefebvre)
- Utrecht Law Review