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Photo of Dr Jan Ewing

Dr Jan Ewing

Research Fellow

Amory A019


Jan joined Exeter Law School in 2014 as a Research Associate on the Mapping Paths to Family Justice project, from the University of Kent where she had been the Research Associate on the Mapping Project since 2011. She worked with Anne Barlow as a Research Fellow on the follow-up project, Creating Paths to Family Justice and was then a Research Fellow on the Shackleton Relationships Project where she followed up couples married for 10 years whom she had previously three times over the first four years of marriage to examine what drives thriving marriages and what leads to the erosion of marital satisfaction. She is currently seconded part-time to the relationship support charity, OnePlusOne, as the ESRC IAA funded ‘Healthy Relationships Knowledge Exchange Fellow’, following up the couples 15 years after marriage.  She is also a Research Fellow on 'The HeaRT Project' investigating transitions into and out of a range of relationships. She leads on the phase of the project considering experiences of child-inclusive mediation to look at the potential role of the process in promoting mental health and wellbeing benefits for young people following parental separation.  

Jan is a member of the Family Solutions Group which works to promote a holistic, supportive and humane response to parental separation with safety and children's voices at the centre of decision-making. She  was a family law solicitor, including at partnership level, in a career spanning 20 years.

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Jan's research interests have focused on children’s rights, particularly in the exercise of those rights when parents settle out of court following separation. She is also interested in understanding what makes intimate relationships flourish over time.

She is currently seconded part time to the relationship charity, OnePlusOne as the ESRC IAA funded ‘Knowledge Exchange Fellow’ where she is following up a sample of married couples first recruited on marriage 15 years ago and interviewed periodically over that period together with a more diverse sample of couples in relationships of at least 20 years duration (same- sex/mixed-sex and married/civil partnered or cohabiting) first interviewed five years ago as part of the Shackleton Relationships Project.  

She is also working with Prof Anne Barlow and colleagues in the College of Medicine and Health on the Wellcome Centre funded project, 'Transforming Relationships and Relationship Transitions with and for the Next Generation (The 'HeaRE' and 'HeaRT' Project)'. This is considering the links between mental health in young people and relationship transitions (both their own and those of their parents), with the aim of helping them able to deal well with these and any issues and processes which arise. 

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Copyright Notice: Any articles made available for download are for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the copyright holder.

| 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 |



  • Ewing J, Barlow A, Blake S, Janssens A. (2020) Working Out Relationships: Research, Education, and the Quest for Lasting Love, Child and Family Law Quarterly, volume 32. [PDF]
  • Barlow A, Ewing J. (2020) An Evaluation of 'Mediation in Mind' - Final Report, Department of Work and Pensions, University of Exeter.



  • Barlow A, Ewing J, Janssens A, Blake S. (2018) The Shackleton Relationships Project - Report and Key Findings, Baroness Shackleton of Belgravia, University of Exeter, 104 pages.


  • Barlow A, Ewing J, Hunter R, Smithson J. (2017) Creating Paths to Family Justice: Briefing Paper and Report on Key findings, University of Exeter.
  • Barlow A, Hunter R, Smithson J, Ewing J. (2017) Mapping Paths to Family Justice: Resolving Family Disputes in Neoliberal Times, Palgrave Macmillan, DOI:10.1057/978-1-137-55405-5.
  • Barlow A, Hunter R, Smithson J, Ewing J. (2017) Access to What? LASPO and Mediation, Access to Justice and Legal Aid Comparative Perspectives on Unmet Legal Need, Hart Publishing Limited, 239-253.


  • Ewing J, Hunter R, Barlow A, Smithson J. (2015) Children's voices: Centre-stage or side-lined in out-of-court dispute resolution in England and Wales?, Socio-Legal Studies Association, University Of Warwick, 31st Mar - 2nd Apr 2015.
  • Smithson J, Barlow A, Hunter R, Ewing J. (2015) The “child’s best interests” as an argumentative resource in family mediation sessions, Discourse Studies: an interdisciplinary journal for the study of text and talk, volume 17, no. 4, pages 1-15, DOI:10.1177/1461445615590722.
  • Hunter R, Barlow A, Smithson J, Ewing J. (2015) Paths to Justice in Divorce Cases in England and Wales, Delivering Family Justice in the 21st Century, Hart Publishing Ltd, 145-162.


  • Ewing J. (2014) Children's voices: Centre-stage or side-lined in out-of-court dispute resolution in England and Wales?, The International Society of Family Law, 15th World Conference, Recife, Brazil, 6th - 9th Aug 2014.
  • Ewing J. (2014) The structural integrity of marriages following major breaches of trust in the first four years, International Society of Family Law 15th World Conference, Recife, Brazil, 6th - 9th Aug 2014.
  • Hunter J, Barlow A, Smithson J, Ewing J. (2014) Mapping Paths to Family Justice: matching parties, cases and processes, Family Law, pages 1404-1411.


  • Barlow A, Hunter R, Smithson J, Ewing J. (2013) Mapping Paths to Family Justice: a national picture of findings on out of court family dispute resolution, Family Law, pages 306-310.

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External impact and engagement

Jan Ewing is an invited member of the Family Solutions Group set up by Sir Stephen Cobb in 2020 to consider what can be done to improve the experience of children and families before an application is made to the family court.

Drawing on the findings of the Shackleton Relationships Project, with Prof Anne Barlow, Jan has written lesson plans on healthy relationships for young people in secondary schools, which The PSHE Association has quality mark approved.

Working in collaboration with The National Youth Advocacy Service (NYAS) and The National Association of Child Contact Centres, Jan and Anne Barlow have written lesson plans on children's rights when parents separate (The Rights Idea?) which The PSHE Association and the Association of Citizenship Teaching have quality mark approved. The lessons draw on the findings of The 'HeaRE' and 'HeaRT' Project. The PSHE Association has also approved similar lessons for use in primary schools,  Rosie's Story. The lessons for both primary and secondary schools are being adapted and translated for use in the Curriculum for Wales.  

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