Dr Andrea Wallace
Associate Professor
Amory B341
Andrea is an Associate Professor in Law and Technology (Education & Research) teaching Art and Law, Intellectual Property Law, Internet Law, Legal Foundations, Torts, and the Cultural Heritage Digitsation Lab. Her research focuses on intersections of art and cultural heritage law with the digital realm and digital heritage management. She is a co-director of the GLAM-E Lab (Law School and Digital Humanities) established in partnership with the Engelberg Center on Innovation Law and Policy (NYU Law School). She is also Deputy Director of The Centre for Science, Culture and the Law at Exeter (SCuLE).
Andrea joined the University of Exeter Law School in 2017. She has a PhD in Cultural Heritage Law from CREATe at the University of Glasgow in partnership with the National Library of Scotland. Her PhD research established a theoretical framework for "surrogate intellectual property (IP) rights" in the cultural sector and examined their impact the public's ability to access and reuse works in the public domain.
Andrea previously received an LLM in European Business Law from Radboud University in the Netherlands, a JD from DePaul University College of Law in Chicago, and a BFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. She is also a registered attorney with the Illinois State Bar.
Andrea works across multiple disciplines and specialties including intellectual property law, art and cultural heritage law, digital humanities and technologies, visual studies, and museum studies. She is an active member of the Centre for Science, Culture and the Law at Exeter (SCuLE).
Andrea explores interdisciplinary issues surrounding copyright, cultural institutions, and the public domain. Her research considers the impact of digital technologies on the preservation, interpretation, and dissemination of cultural heritage and the obstacles and opportunities presented by the digital realm. She frequently writes and presents on open culture and the impact that a claim to copyright in reproductions has on meaningful access to and reuse of cultural heritage in the public domain.
Select Research Projects
In 2016, Andrea completed the Display At Your Own Risk, a research-led exhibition experiment featuring digital surrogates of public domain works made available by cultural institutions. Her work has been written about by Hyperallergic and curated in the group exhibition No Copyright Infringement Intended.
With Douglas McCarthy (Europeana) she manages the Survey of GLAM open access policy and practice, which collects instances of open access from cultural institutions and organisations around the world. She is currently developing a new resource called the Copyright Cortex, which catalogues material about copyright and digital cultural heritage to provide the GLAM sector with scholarly commentary, practical guidance, and real world case studies all in one place.
Andrea has served as a Fellow and the Editorial Lead for OpenGLAM Research with the Wikimedia Foundation. She currently serves as an active member of the Steering Group for the Europeana Copyright Community.
With Mathilde Pavis, she co-authored a guide on working with open licensing for The National Lottery Heritage Fund. She regularly consults for the heritage sector on open access and digital collections management.
Select Research Grants and Awards
- GLAM-E Lab: An interdisciplinary digitisation clinic for smaller and less well-resourced culatural institutions and community organisations (PI) AHRC £326,000 (February 2021), with Mathilde Pavis (Law School) and Gary Stringer (Digital Humanities Lab), Jason Schultz (NYU Law School) and Michael Weinberg (Engelberg Center on Innovation Law at NYU Law School)
- Intellectual Property and the Reproduction of 3D Cultural Heritage in the Public Domain (PI) ESRC £19,530 (May 2020), with Gary Stringer (Digital Humanities Lab, University of Exeter), Bernard Frischer (Virtual World Hertiage Laboratory at Indiana University), Fabrizio Paolucci (Uffizi Gallery), and Christiana Barandoni (Uffizi Gallery and Virtual World Heritage Laboratory)
- Hacking Copyright in the 21st Century: Art, Law, History & Technology (Co-I) Austraial Research Council AUD $461,891 (February 2019), with Isabella Alexander (University of Technology Sydney), Stina Teilmann-Lock (Copenhagen Business School), Cristina Martinez (University of Ottawa & University of Osnabrück), Leo Impett (Cambridge University), and Cynthia Roman (Walpole Library, Yale University)
- Research network on the Histories of Art, Technology and Law (ArTechLaw) (Co-I) Danish Research Council DKK 1,050,000 (April 2019), with Stina Teilmann-Lock (Copenhagen Business School), Isabella Alexander (University of Technology Sydney), Cristina Martinez (University of Ottawa & University of Osnabrück), Leo Impett (Durham University), and Cynthia Roman (Walpole Library, Yale University)
- Intellectual Property and Living Works: Implementing Best Practice Guidelines for Performance Art (Co-I) ESRC £10,000 (September 2018), with Mathilde Pavis in partnership with Scottish National Galleries
Select Media Appearances
- 'Access for Who?,' Open Restitution Africa and Humboldt Forum, https://www.e-flux.com/announcements/478728/access-for-who-podcast-by-open-restitution-africa/ (July 2022)
- BBC's '21st Century Mythologies' BBC Documentaries, http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000p9t7 (November 2020)
- Museopunks, 'Episode 42: Digitization is not neutral,' American Alliance of Museums, https://www.aam-us.org/2019/12/19/museopunks-episode-41-digitization-is-not-neutral/ (December 2019)
- M. Pavis and A. Wallace, 'Tread Carefully when repatriating art to Africa,' The Times, https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/tread-carefully-when-repatriating-art-to-africa-3vxrf9605 (April 2019)
- I. Macquisten, 'UK museums' right to charge image fees is called into question,' The Art Newspaper, https://www.theartnewspaper.com/news/museums-right-to-charge-image-fees-is-called-into-question (November 2017)
- C. Voon, 'How User-Friendly Are Museum Image Rights?,' Hyperallergic, https://hyperallergic.com/304000/how-user-friendly-are-museum-image-rights/ (June 2016)
Research group links
Andrea welcomes PhD proposals to research in the areas of art and cultural heritage law, open access, intellectual property and the public domain, and digital technologies in use across the cultural sector.
Copyright Notice: Any articles made available for download are for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the copyright holder.
| 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2017 | 2016 |
- Wallace A. (2023) Arts in IP law programmes: employing arts study, practice and pedagogy in law programmes - when students become creators, Teaching Intellectual Property Law, Edward Elgar Publishing, 128-145, DOI:10.4337/9781800881006.00017. [PDF]
- Wallace A. (2023) Surrogate Intellectual Property Rights in the Cultural Sector, Illinois Journal of Law, Technology & Policy (JLTP), volume 2023, pages 303-371. [PDF]
- Ohana N, Barazi T, Barrett D, Bedeau J, Bhuckory P, Bosch G, Braham J, Coombs C, Gola S, Jaber N. (2023) Rationale and recommendations on decolonising the pedagogy and curriculum of the Law School at the University of Exeter, The Law Teacher, volume 56, no. 4, pages 536-551, DOI:10.1080/03069400.2022.2140512. [PDF]
- Wallace A. (2022) Surrogate Intellectual Property Rights in the Cultural Sector.
- Wallace A. (2022) A Culture of Copyright: a Scoping Study on Open Access to Digital Cultural Heritage Collections in the UK.
- Pavis M, Wallace A. (2022) Recommendations on Digital Restitution and Intellectual Property Restitution.
- Wallace A, Pavis M. (2021) Digital guide: working with open licences, The National Lottery Heritage Fund.
- Wallace A. (2021) Exquisite Corpse: A Chronontology of Surrogates. [PDF]
- Walsh K, Wallace A, Pavis M, Olszowy N, Griffin J, Hawkins N. (2021) Intellectual Property Rights and Access in Crisis, IIC International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law.
- Pavis M, Wallace A. (2020) SCuLE Response for the EMRIP Report on Repatriation of Ceremonial Objects and Human Remains Under the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, DOI:10.2139/ssrn.3589092.
- Wallace AB. (2020) OpenGLAM and Accessibility, International Perspectives on Disability Exceptions in Copyright and the Visual Arts: Feeling Art, Routledge.
- Wallace A, Pavis M. (2020) SCuLE Submission for the EU Consultation on Digital Cultural Heritage, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.4030521. [PDF]
- Pavis M, Wallace A. (2020) SCuLE Response for the EMRIP Report on repatriation of ceremonial objects and human remains under the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, pages 1-29, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.3760293. [PDF]
- McCarthy D, Wallace A. (2020) The Case for Open Access, Apollo, volume 191, no. 687, pages 56-57.
- Wallace A, Euler E. (2020) Revisiting Access to Cultural Heritage in the Public Domain: EU and International Developments, IIC International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law, volume 51, no. 7, pages 823-855, DOI:10.1007/s40319-020-00961-8.
- Wallace A. (2020) Book review: Elena Cooper, Art and Modern Copyright: The Contested Image (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2018) 304 pp, Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property, volume 10, no. 2, pages 265-268, DOI:10.4337/qmjip.2020.02.07. [PDF]
- Pavis M, Wallace A. (2019) Réponse au Rapport Sarr-Savoy: Déclaration sur la numérisation, les droits de propriété intellectuelle et le libre accès du patrimoine culturel africain et des archives connexes (Response to the 2018 Sarr-Savoy Report: Statement on Intellectual Property Rights and Open Access Relevant to the Digitization and Restitution of African Cultural Heritage and Associated Materials).
- Pavis M, Wallace A. (2019) Response to the 2018 Sarr-Savoy Report: Statement on Intellectual Property Rights and Open Access Relevant to the Digitization and Restitution of African Cultural Heritage and Associated Materials, DOI:10.2139/ssrn.3378200.
- Pavis M, Wallace A. (2019) Réponse au Rapport Sarr-Savoy: Déclaration sur la numérisation, les droits de propriété intellectuelle et le libre accès du patrimoine culturel africain et des archives connexes, Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology and E-Commerce Law, pages 130-146. [PDF]
- Pavis M, Wallace A. (2019) Response to the 2018 Sarr-Savoy Report: Statement on Intellectual Property Rights and Open Access relevant to the digitization and restitution of African Cultural Heritage and associated materials, Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology and E-Commerce Law, volume 10, pages 115-129. [PDF]
- Wallace A. (2019) Artist, Authorship & Legacy: A Reader, Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property, volume 9, no. 3, pages 356-358, DOI:10.4337/qmjip.2019.03.08.
- Pavis MGA, Wallace A. (2019) Réponse au Rapport Sarr-Savoy : Déclaration sur la numérisation, les droits de propriété intellectuelle et le libre accès du patrimoine culturel africain et des archives connexes, 22 pages, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.2623964.
- Pavis MGA, Wallace A. (2019) Response to the 2018 Sarr-Savoy Report: Statement on Intellectual Property Rights and Open Access relevant to the digitization and restitution of African Cultural Heritage and associated materials, 19 pages, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.2620597.
- Wallace AB. (2019) Mona Lisa, A History of Intellectual Property in 50 Objects, Cambridge University Press.
- Wallace AB, Stobo V, Blakely MR, Tanner S, Patterson K, Deazley R. (2017) Copyright and Cultural Memory: Digital Conference Proceedings. [PDF]
- Wallace AB, Deazley R. (2016) Display At Your Own Risk: The Metadata.
- Wallace AB. (2016) Exhibition Methodology, Display At Your Own Risk: An experimental exhibition of digital cultural heritage, 9-27.
- Wallace AB, Deazley R. (2016) Display At Your Own Risk: An experimental exhibition of digital cultural heritage.